Author: admin

  • Design Thinking Process & models

    As I wrote in my last post, Design Thinking is methodology as a way to innovate and it has different models from different organizations and schools. First of all, I can not confirm that one framework is better than another. It matters how it is used and facilitated. Some time ago, I had presented Design Thinking to […]

  • Why are AS/400 systems still in use?

    Three decades is a very long time in the world of technology, but 1988 was still an important year. The first well-known computer virus was created, an IP connection connecting Europe and North America was established, and the idea of a World Wide Web was discussed for the first time by Tim Berners-Lee. Another significant […]

  • Attackers Turn to Small-Scale DDoS Attacks to Avoid Detection

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are different from many of the cyber threats that an organization commonly faces – many types of attacks are designed to either steal sensitive information or cause permanent damage. The physical impact of a DDoS attack, on the other hand, is temporary.  Once the attack ceases, then the business […]

  • 5 lessons I learned when I rebranded my business

    When I decided that I was going to fully relaunch my brand, I knew it was going to be a huge project. Since I’m a website designer, I know that even just a website design is a big undertaking, let alone taking all of the content of an entire business and rebranding it with entire […]

  • AngularJS to Angular app migration Steps

    The development of web apps consists of many structured steps that lead to the final result. One of the main steps is choosing a suitable framework. In this article, we will talk about AngularJS and its latest version Angular. What is the difference between these two versions and how one can replace another one? If […]